The Board of Directors of the American Bar Foundation (ABF) recently extended an invitation to join its membership to GOT principal, William Thomas, having been nominated by his peers to become a Fellow of the ABF. Joining their ranks, Bill becomes part of a global honorary society of lawyers, judges, law faculty, and legal scholars who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in the profession and service to society. Because Fellows membership is strictly limited to only one percent of all lawyers admitted in the US and its territories, the nomination and admission process is highly selective. To become a Fellow, a candidate is recommended by their peers and approved by the Board of the ABF.
The ABF is among the world’s leading research institutes for the interdisciplinary empirical study of law. For more than seventy years, the ABF has served the legal profession, the academy, and the public through cutting-edge research, publications, and programs that advance justice and the understanding of law and legal processes. The ABF advances the understanding and improvement of law through empirical research projects of unmatched scale and quality on the most pressing issues facing the legal system in the United States and the world.
Bill intends to expand his skills and increase his reach through this incredible honor by becoming active in the organization and its mission of shaping policy and influencing decision making across the United States and around the world. ABF scholarship has also been recognized by leading academic organizations, policy analysts, and the popular press as exemplifying excellence in empirical and interdisciplinary research.