Bill Thomas, co-founder and member of Gausnell, O’Keefe & Thomas, LLC, in St. Louis, Missouri, has begun a new venture of sorts, publishing (in his spare time mind you) a Blog dedicated to all things design professional law related, named: Navigating Daedalus’ Labyrinth (or NavDaedLab for short). A link to his site can be found here:
Daedalus was Greek Mythology’s “Father of the Design Professions,” a renown craftsman and sculptor, clever worker (literally translated), and industrious designer of many great inventions like the Labyrinth and mechanical wings that allowed humans to fly. Unfortunately, however, his intricate inventions usually came with a catch, and that is the purpose of his Blog, to provide guidance and illumination to Design Professionals seeking to navigate the many pitfalls and perils of the modern practice, from the perspective of a construction lawyer with some experience in the field.
His most recent article focuses on the origins of the “standard of care,” and can be found here:
He expects many more articles to address standard of care issues, one of the most significant topics in the area of design professional liability law.
Bill spends a good bit of his practice handling matters involving the construction process, from up-front contract reviews, commercial litigation, professional liability defense and trial work. He has represented owners, contractors, subcontractors, architects, engineers, land surveyors and landscape architects in all phases of construction claims. He also handles product liability claims, other general commercial disputes and general liability claims.
Bill is involved in many professional organizations, including the International Association of Defense Counsel, where he serves on the Construction Law Committee as its publications vice chair, and the Missouri Organization of Defense Lawyers, the Defense Research Institute and its Construction Law Committee, Product Liability Committee, and Building Products – Substantive Litigation Group, and Professional Liability Committee, where he served on the Steering Committee, and Design Professional Subcommittee. Bill is an associate member of the ASCE, AIA, and the St. Louis Engineer’s Club. He is a Fellow of the Construction Lawyers Society of America. He is recognized by U.S. News – Best Lawyers as a Best Lawyer in Construction Law, and was honored as “Lawyer of the Year” in Construction- Litigation for 2022. He is a frequent lecturer and author on a number of issues, from product liability to construction.
Article written by Co-Founder Principal Attorney Bill Thomas | Gausnell, O’Keefe & Thomas, LLC